Senna Tea Bags 100% Natural - Colon Cleansing, Laxative, Detox 2 pcs. x 20 teabags

  • Brand: Bioprogramme
  • UPC:3800022800490

Senna tea is one of a natural laxative to overcome the problem of constipation and weight loss.


Senna Tea can be used as an herbal cleanse for your colon and allows anyone to remove internal waste products in six to twelve hours.

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Bioprogramme Senna Tea Weight Loss, Colon Cleansing, Laxative, Detox
Senna is an herb that contains compounds called anthraquinones, which are powerful laxatives.
Senna laxative, is one of a natural laxative that is provided by nature to overcome the problem of constipation. Digestive problems when this is an issue that can not be considered a mild disease, digestive disorders can lead to the emergence of other diseases that could be more dangerous, this is because all the nutrients for the body's activities come from outside the body, and before the food is converted into energy, it must be through digestive processes first, and if we disturbed the digestion can be said energy absorption process will also be susceptible to interference or degradation. The idea of laxatives to lose weight came due to the fact senna leaves can be used as an herbal cleanse for your colon and allows anyone to remove internal waste products in six to twelve hours.
Directions for use: Put 1 teabag in 250 ml boiling water, steep for 5-6 min. It’s better to drink the tea at bedtime, for no more than 2-3 weeks.
 • The active compounds in senna have a strong laxative effect. They work by irritating the lining of the colon, promoting colon contractions and bowel movements. 
 • Senna also prevents water and electrolytes from being reabsorbed from the colon, which increases fluids in the intestines and softens stool.
 • Senna typically starts working within 6 to 12 hours after taking it. 
 • It is often taken prior to going to bed, creating the urge to defecate the next morning. 
 • The amount of the active ingredient in the tea will vary from the steeping time. 
 • Senna is an herb that contains compounds called anthraquinones, which are powerful laxatives.
 • Senna laxative, is one of a natural laxative that is provided by nature to overcome the problem of constipation and weight loss.
 • Senna Tea can be used as an herbal cleanse for your colon and allows anyone to remove internal waste products in six to twelve hours.
 • Senna tea is effective in providing relief from heartburn, nausea, gas, bloating and belching.
Caution: Extra bowel movements may be expected in the 1st and 2nd day after using this tea. Not to be used long term. Consult a doctor if you are using it long term. Senna can cause some side effects including stomach discomfort, cramps, and diarrhea. 
Please read carefully! - Do not take this tea if you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby. This product does not replace a varied diet. Carefully read all the instructions and follow them strictly. Do not exceed the daily dose. We are not responsible for allergic reactions and overdose with the product. Don't use senna for more than two-three weeks. Longer use can cause the bowels to stop functioning normally and might cause dependence on laxatives. 
Ingredients: Senna Leaves 100%
Volume: 2 pcs. x 20 teabags, 1,5g each in box, net 30 g
Disclaimer: Consult with a doctor before using herbal products if you are pregnant, nursing,have allergies or any other medical conditions. The information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Manufacturer: BioPrograma Ltd. , Bulgaria

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Senna Tea Bags 100% Natural - Colon Cleansing, Laxative, Detox 2 pcs. x 20 teabags

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