Dried and cut aerial parts of Yellow Lady's Bedstraw ( Galii veri herba ) - 100%
Contains: Dried and cut aerial parts of Yellow Lady's Bedstraw ( Galii veri herba ) - 100%
Open the box. Take the pack of the herbs out. Cut the top of the pack with scissors. Do not tear up the pack.
Storage: After use, press the pack's aperture, then fold it two times and clip. Put the closed pack in the box. Close the top of the box. Keep the product out of reach of children, in a closed original packing. Store in a room temperature, in dry room, away of sunlight.
Net weight: 50g
Manufacturer: Bilec Company, Bulgaria
Disclaimer: Consult with a doctor before using herbal products if you are pregnant, nursing,have allergies or any other medical conditions. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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