Bonds Repair Balm Conditioner 9 seconds Spray

  • Бренд: Keen Strok
  • Кат. номер:8436022059771

Acts on the hair bonds to repair, gives shine and restores. Immediate effect – 9 seconds. Repairs the ends and eliminates frizz. Perfect treatment for all types of hair, from dyed and sensitized to thin hair. Its formula facilitates the penetration of vegetable proteins and provitamins in the damaged areas of the hair. With antioxidant Vitamin E.

$45. 00
Product description +

Acts on the hair bonds to repair, gives shine and restores. Immediate effect – 9 seconds.
How to use: after washing ang rinsing the hair, apply a sufficient dose according to the length and condition of the hair. Massage for 9 seconds. Rinse abundantly and proceed to styling. Repeat if necessary.  Does not make hair oily. Professional Use.
Packaging: 250ml.
Made in Spain

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Bonds Repair Balm Conditioner 9 seconds Spray

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