Retinol or Matrixyl: Which one?

Retinol or Matrixyl: Which one?

12 November 2019
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Retinol and matrixyl are two very popular anti age ingredients. They may produce similar effects but in a different way.


Retinol is a natural skin care ingredient that is derived from vitamin A. It stimulates collagen production and works as an antioxidant. Retinol may be harsh on sensitive skin and may cause such side effects as peeling, itching and redness. After exposure to retinol, sunscreen is mandatory, because the renewed skin is more sensitive to UV radiation.
It's recommended to be used in small doses in people with sensitive skin.


Matrixyl is a mixture of synthetic peptides. It stimulates collagen synthesis and to repairs damage. The results are more long lasting. It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A few side effects have been connected with the use of this ingredient.


Both ingredients may help in acieving your goals. The choice depends on your skin type and the concerns you are trying to treat. If your skin is prone to acne you may want to try retinol, as it can treat acne. In case your skin is more sensitive you may want to try matrixyl, as it is have few side effects.
Either way the effect will be achieved - reduced fine lines and wrinkles.